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The Mad Brewer '99

Tanners Hall

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San Francisco
On the Road Again

London Town

The Brit
Number 22
Tanners Hall
Vane Terrace
Music Maker

Spring Thing
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Castle Eden
More Casks to Empty

Pause that refreshes

Northern Beauty

Whisky Madness
Dallas Dhu
Soup Factory

Real Festival

Get me to the Minster on time

Farewell to Real Ale

We made several visits to Tanners Hall, a relative newcomer to Darlington.  It's a Weatherspoons pub, so you can get some simple food, if you don't get there too late.

Martin, Kim, and Sue have been here a while.

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Harry, Brendan, and Isabella are busy pounding beers. 

Mine is a Spitfire, which was on sale is most of the Wetherspoons pub for a measly 99p!

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They also have Worthington Shield for a paltry 85p, but I was too busy drinking Spitfire to card.

Harry, Brendan, Isabella, Martin, Kim, and Sue are drinking up a storm.

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Isabella is kind to the camera.

Director's Bitter (Courage): Very malty, dusty flavor, long finish

Cains Formidable Ale (5%), 1.62, sraw color, fruity flavor, well balanced.

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Hey, this is the same shot as before, but they seem to be getting blury, must be the Spitfire. darlington_tanners_hall_harry_brendan_isabella.jpg (20301 bytes)
An now, we pause for a snack of some of that world famous British quisine... darlington_tanners_hall_kim_sue_harry_brendan.jpg (27704 bytes)
Brendan wishes he could get a real handpump installed in his head.  Alas, he settles for the next best thing. darlington_tanners_ken_brendan.jpg (18088 bytes)
Kim is conteplating her next move.

BatMan Mild: 1.10, dark mild, not bad, but bland.

darlington_tanners_kim_bren.jpg (12402 bytes)
Posing for the camera while we can still stand up.  Oops, too late, they are sitting down darlington_tanners_kim_sue.jpg (18592 bytes)
How come this beer glass is still full? darlington_tanners_kim_sue_2.jpg (18911 bytes)
Kim, Sue, and Ken overlook the table of beer.   Hey, this is a non-smoking area, very comfortable for us foreigners. darlington_tanners_kim_sue_ken.jpg (19563 bytes)
Martin and Kim

English to English dictionary entry for "Claggged": Stuck, for example, Clogged on the outside of the coin.

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Marting, Kim, and Sue, still hanging out darlington_tanners_martin_kim_sue.jpg (19371 bytes)